
January 26, 2021


“Give credit to whom credit due.”

Samuel Adams, October 29, 1777.

This website is made of several creative and technical works. We've done our best effort to collect here significant contributions by different persons and organizations. If you feel we've missed any, please notify us via the contact page.

Design & Programming

The website was designed and programmed in-house at Finwe Ltd. by our CTO Tapani Rantakokko.

The cover image and a few other images were designed and created in-house at Finwe Ltd. by our designer Tommi Einola.


The website project was supervised by Finwe Ltd. CEO Juha Kela, who also reviewed and accepted the content.


The videos on this website were mostly created and published for promotional purposes by our customers and partners as part of our joint ventures. Some of the videos were produced in-house by Finwe Ltd. or by our close partner FinCloud Ltd.



The photographs on this website were mostly captured and edited by Finwe Ltd., excluding the ones that were created and published for promotional purposes by our customers and partners as part of our joint ventures.


The screenshots of published works, which Finwe has created in co-operation with our customers (and in some cases, other sub-contractors), were captured by Finwe Ltd.


The icons used throughout this website mostly come from Google's Material Design icon library, except the ones that were custom-made by Finwe Ltd.


The customer logo images belong to their respective owners, and were simply scaled by Finwe Ltd. to achieve a unified, equal look.


This website was created using an open-source static site generator Gatsby, which is based on the standardized JavaScript language and Facebook's React library. Several open-source plugins for Gatsby have been used; see Open-Source Licenses page for further information.

The website's theme is a customized version of Creative Tim's Material Kit React, which is based on Google's Material Design framework.


This website is hosted on Microsoft's GitHub Pages service, except a couple of demo videos that are hosted on and embedded from Google's Youtube or IAC's Vimeo services.